Benefits Of Ca Exam Test Series

The Institute of Chartered Accounts of India organizes the exam for CA Foundation, CA Intermediate, and CA Final twice a year in May and November. The syllabus for CA is extremely extensive and the concepts are very intrinsic. CA Exam Test Series helps aspirants from their root level so they are able to crack the exam on their first attempt. Here are some benefits get from CA Exam Series which make them the Best CA Mock Test Series.

  • The subjects for all the exams are very lengthy and complex so the only way to see whether you really know everything about the chapter is to Individual Chapter Wise Test. Not only this, these ICAI mock test series are essential as you prepare for your CA Foundation, CA Intermediate, or CA Final Exam as they test your capabilities. This also helps you analyze your strengths and area where you need to put in more work.

  • When you finish the whole syllabus, you can’t just wait for the exam to happen, right? You need some confidence & assurance that you can sit through a tough and nerve-racking exam. How great would it be if you could have an experience with the full CA test before giving it? Well with CA Exam Test Series, you can do this. Our ICAI Mock Test Series also has an option of a Full Syllabus Test that challenge you in a similar way to the actual exam would. You can work on your time management, answer writing, stratification, and most importantly how you would remain calm in a stressful situation.

  • The ICAI Mock Test Series you get are prepared by Subject Experts and all these ICAImock test papers are based on the latest pattern issued by ICAI. Here’s the best part, the questions you’ll get in your ICAI exam are 60% similar to what you already answered in the mock test papers which obviously gives you so much more advantage than everybody else.

  • The Test Papers are evaluated in detail by Qualified Chartered Accountants within 59 minutes. This means that you get Real-Time Feedback on your tests. This aids you a lot as you can improve quicker than anybody else. All you have to do is to attempt the paper, submit the answer, and voila! You’ll have the result with Detailed Feedback in less than an hour.

  • If you are still not convinced about how Elite you would be as a student once you join CA Test Series, here are some more perks for you. You get a counseling Session with a Qualified Chartered Accountant who will help you in your preparation. You get a Target Wise Study Schedule that will help you in staying on track so you can finish your syllabus with enough time to have CA Mock Test Series. Last, but not least, you can revise your full syllabus 3 times with CA Exam Series! Now that is a Win-Win situation for you!

The answer is right in front of you! Chose CA Exam Test Series and achieve your dream to become a Chartered Accountant in the first attempt.