How CA Exam Test Series Will Help You Clear CA Foundation

CA Exam Test Series is an online test series for the CA Exams that will assist students in making their learning easier. We have a team of professionals and all-India rankers who are here to offer their knowledge and assist students in identifying their errors.

We at, CA Exam Test Series want to provide a platform for CA aspirants that will not only help them clear the CA Foundation exam but will also change their perspective on these exams. Our goal is to help students overcome their anxiety about CA Exams by providing them with proper planning in the form of an all-around evaluation.

Mentorship Programme:

Once you enroll with CA Exam Test Series you are assigned a Mentor. Each mentor is either a Qualified Subject Expert, Chartered Accountant, or All-India Rank Holder. You get a Customized Study Planner designed especially for you and catering to your Targets. Presentation is the most significant aspect of professional exams, and it counts a lot, and we are here to assist you with it. You get suggestions and feedback on your Answer Writing. The Mentor gives you Weekly and Monthly Targets so you can finish your syllabus expeditiously. All your doubts are solved by our Mentors in real-time.

CA Foundation Test Series:

You don’t have to worry about your CA Foundation Test Series as CA Test Series provides you with the Best CA Exam Series that are based on the latest ICAI pattern and designed by subject experts.

One unique feature we provide is the set of Individual Chapter Wise Test Series which you can solve as you go along with your syllabus so that your grip over the topics remains tight. Not only that, you get Full Syllabus CA Foundation Test Series which challenge you exactly like the ICAI Foundation Exam.

Our CA Foundation Test Series is as tough as the CA Foundation exam itself and that is why there are 60-70% similar questions in the exam from our test series. This is also the reason why we got 88.9% positive results in the last exam.

Get Feedback on Answer Sheets in 99 Minutes:

Only with CA Exam Test Series, do you get the result of your CA Foundation Test Series in just 99 minutes. Imagine, you just submitted your sheet, now you have taken a break, maybe had lunch, watched an episode of your favorite show, and by the time you are freshened up to get back to your study mode your answer sheet is here! With all the corrective feedback. You remember all the answers you wrote, why wrote them, and how to improve on them instantly. This will help any student so much more because it saves an enormous amount of time and student is able to learn faster than ever.

A few other perks:

  1. You get a Counselling session with the Mentor who would be a Qualified All-India Rank Chartered Accountant.
  2. You can do Revision 3 times of the Full Syllabus up to the ICAI exam.
  3. You can improvise your study pattern anytime during the journey.
  4. You get the advantage to take your tests with or without the Internet.

You will be guided in about Time Management during your exam.