Toppers Strategy For CA Final Law

When it comes to answering questions on the CA examinations, presentation is crucial. Simply having the correct answers won't get you points. Make careful to answer the questions in the order specified by the ICAI. You may highlight the text.

Make sure you accurately explain the case's scenario as well as outline the relevant facts. Finish the answer by stating the proper course of action. Presenting it properly will make it easier for the examiner to assess the work, which will help you earn high marks.

Specifying the section number:  You must also cite the section number in addition to the section name and number, per ICAI regulations. Only quote the portions if you are quite certain that you have the right answer; else, you will get nothing!

Keywords: It's not necessary to write everything exactly the same way, but make sure you use all the keywords. Although you might be able to write more effectively, DO NOT substitute keywords. They will help you get those high marks.

Genuine Test Series Selected for Preparation: There is a tonne of websites that boast having the best test series, however, the majority of them either use outdated patterns or are duplicates of one another. The site you can rely on for your CA Exams Preparation is CA Exam Test Series, according to the CA top scorers. The degree of difficulty and 60% of the test questions are identical to those in the ICAI exams.

Timely revision: The significance of thorough revision cannot be overstated. If you don't revise, all of your labor and suffering will be in vain. Every two weeks, set aside a day to go over what you've learned. Additionally, schedule 15 minutes for revision at the end of the day. Put your studies to rest. You have at least 25 days until the examinations, so just unwind and review the material you have previously studied.

Chapter-wise Test Series: By this point, you must have practiced many questions, but you should still go through each chapter's test series from the CA Exams Test Series. Concentrate on these and the ICAI's previously issued sample questions and suggested replies. Additionally, be careful to deliver the solution according to the prescribed format.

Make careful you put the MTP to practice. Practice the questions from the Full Syllabus CA Exam Test Series or the prior attempt papers once you have finished the entire course. The best approach to increase your speed and improve your replies is to practice questions. Make sure you complete the exam series offered by CA Test Series as well as at least one question paper from the previous three years. Additionally, attempt to comprehend the style in which the suggested responses are written. This will assist you in presenting your responses in line with the valuer's expectations, which will assist you in earning bonus points.

When answering MCQs, always choose the correct response by eliminating the incorrect one. Make sure the other answers are incorrect before marking an answer that you think is correct. If you can't decide between the two, choose the one with the highest probability. Your chances of receiving the correct response will rise as a result.