Points To Consider While Choosing CA Final Elective

2018 saw the initial introduction of the CA final elective paper concept. Since then, four years have passed, yet many students are still unable to comprehend the smallest elements, such as what, why, how, and when of final elective assignments.

  1. Elective paper is a 4-hour long open-book exam. You must complete four case studies in the allotted time for the exam. Select the option that has a lot of resources accessible.
  2. Each case study is worth 25 points total, which is broken down into 10 points for MCQs and 15 points for the case study descriptions. Take into account this grade distribution when choosing the elective paper.
  3. Always choose the option in which you are proficient because English is the exam language.
  4. Do your research and consider if you will have enough time to complete all of the case studies.
  5. Learn how the paper can be applied in real-life situations so you can simply test it out before the final exam.
  6. Never imitate another person. Instead of learning by rote, attempt to identify your passion and choose a subject that you can review and recall.
  • Risk Management

ICAI introduced this for future chartered accountants to specialize in various risks businesses have to face. Here, you gain knowledge about risks and learn to build capacity for addressing those risks through study and experience.

  • Financial Services & Capital Market (FSCM)

The main objective of this subject is to make students well-versed in the financial and capital markets. You get to study skills that become useful for banks, learning companies, mutual fund agencies, share market brokers, trading platforms, etc.

  • International Taxation

As the name suggests, international taxation deals with concepts, principles, and provisions of taxation in foreign countries and their co-relation with India. Knowledge gained here helps in computations

  • Economic law

Here, a student develops a deep understanding of the economic laws of India and applies that learning to solve practical day-to-day issues. Money laundering prevention, Benami property transaction rules, foreign exchange management act, real estate regulation, WTO rules, completion act, and similar rules are covered in the syllabus.

  • Global Financial Reporting Standards (GFRS)

International financial reporting standards along with differences between IFRS and US GAAPs are vital concepts in the subject. Many students consider the subject as the second easiest one after risk management. Financial reporting as per IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards, and differences between IFRS and US GAAP are syllabi for the paper.

  • Multi-Disciplinary Case Study

As it is clear by the name, here students study the concepts, provisions, and principles of multiple disciplines to solve practical case scenarios. Account, taxation, corporate laws, finance, and business strategy are areas coved in the paper.

As it is an amalgamation of all your subjects, Elective paper CA final statistics show that very few students choose it. It is the toughest one where you need to be trained for being 100 % logical for scoring well.