Score 60+ In Advanced Auditing Professional Ethics In CA Final

CA Final students dread the subject ‘Audit’ due to its difficulty level. CA Final Audit is among those subjects, which can be understood quite easily but is hard to score marks in. Many students don’t even manage to achieve 40 marks in it. To help you towards victory, here are a few study tips that you must include in your study plan for scoring well in CA Final Audit – 






Auditing Standards, Statements, and Guidance Notes

Audit Planning, Strategy, and Execution

Risk Assessment and Internal Control

Special Aspects of Auditing in an Automated Environment

Audit Reports



Audit of Limited Companies

Audit Committee and Corporate Governance

Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements

Liabilities of Auditors



Special features of audit of Banks, Insurance & Non-Banking Financial Companies

Audit under Fiscal Laws



Audit of Public Sector Undertakings

Internal Audit, Management, and Operational Audit

Due Diligence, Investigation, and Forensic Audit

Peer Review and Quality Review



Professional Ethics


There are quite a few technical terms mentioned under audit, which you should be well-versed with for the exam. Make a mnemonic or a gist of all technical words, write them down separately, and revise them on a frequent basis. This is the best way to score maximum marks in an Auditing paper.

Always use language similar to what’s written in the book from which you are preparing. Presentation matters a lot. It is said that 100% of the marks are for the presentation of your answer. Make a habit of underlining the important words/keywords and answer the questions in bullet points.

Since auditing is mostly theoretical, citing auditing standards is one way to showcase your knowledge and back your answer. Direct theory-based questions where definitions and terminology are asked are high-scorers. Answer the point in crisp terms, use bullet points, and score full marks on such questions

When attempting questions in professional ethics, it is best to adhere to the format given in the practice manual. The first and last portions of the answer should contain the part, schedule, and clauses. Include the applicability and justification of each clause in the main paragraph of your answer

Please give special attention to SAs and ASs. Only good knowledge of SAs and ASs is not enough but you must understand the technique to apply SAs and ASs in audit practical problems. For this purpose, refer to ICAI Suggested answers and observe them.

Professional Ethics is a quite practical topic, easy to understand and memorize. Also, you should not leave professional ethics an option, as you might risk your 15-20 marks.

As you all have observed, in audit papers, direct questions are rarely asked. Mostly, a situation is created in the question and you have to identify the standard or chapter related to the question. Most of the students fail to identify the right standard or chapter from which the question is asked. You are surely going to lose marks even though you write a lengthy answer from an incorrect standard/ chapter.

Always make cross-references while writing answers (mixture of S.A., Professional. Ethics clauses, and Company Audit provisions). Try to write all answers in the same pattern in the exam most preferably point-wise. Start by writing the premise of your answer, follow it up with the definition (if any), and derive your opinion from the same.