Learning Techniques That You Should Stop Today

Did it irritate you that a few days later, despite spending hours trying to read and reread it numerous times, underlining and marking it precisely, and even summarizing what you read, when you had to solve a question in the CA Final Test Series For Nov 2023, you still couldn't recall that specific concept, legal provision, or auditing procedure?
Students frequently choose to employ the methods they think are the most efficient (although they may not be). Not altogether to criticize them as many people have used these strategies to pass tests they started studying for the night before.
Underlining and Highlighting: It's not uncommon to highlight and underline text before you fully grasp it or before you can recall it without looking at the page a few days later. When all you are doing is a hand exercise, it can trick you into thinking that it is entering your brain.
Passive Rereading: It's true that occasionally reading a text again may help us simply understand what we just read, but doing so often may not be beneficial for long-term retention. It may be compared to answering a question by keeping the answer in front of you.
Even while it would seem as though you could put everything together in a flash, if the information wasn't right in front of you, you'd be left unsure of where to begin. An effective eye workout may alternatively be to read a page while sitting still. Rereading at regular intervals is, nevertheless, something that is really effective. When you start solving the test series for the ca final Nov 2023 it does not translate easily into answers
Long Stretch Practice: Over time, studying anything for greater stretches of time at a time but less frequently is referred to as massed practice. Although it may seem effective and be able to assist a student pass a test, this approach is not a good long-term option.
Usually, this results in a trade-off between immediate comprehension and long-term memory. Whether they are aware of it or not, the majority of students employ distributed practice to become proficient in a variety of tasks—all but studying. Consider taking up sports, dancing, or learning a new language.
Jumping right into questions before learning the right way to do them: Most of the time, when you go back and read anything again, it makes perfect sense and is a lot simpler to understand. This, however, doesn't really help when you test yourself on test series for CA Final Nov 2023 and questions that are new, link various standards, or that you will perform after a considerable amount of time.
Although it seems simpler to read 25 questions than 250 pages, trusting your memory may not be a sensible decision, especially on the day of the exam when you never know what will be on the question paper.
Summarization: Despite taking too much time, practically everyone still approves of summarization. Not to minimize its effectiveness, but only when carried out properly. Writing things down simply and clearly may enable you to quickly grasp a certain subject, saving you time from having to read the entire document again just to reach the same conclusion.
Don't mistake it for a memory aid, either. Rereading your summary won't be very efficient for helping you recall and retain what you read, but it can be a useful tool for helping you understand what you read by helping you create connections between various elements.