How To Attempt All Questions In Ca Final Exam

  • Each answer must be written in a specific format. Write a maximum of 2 sentences in one place. Try not to answer the question in a long paragraph. You have to understand that it is not a writing competition so stop writing essay types answers, don’t make it difficult for the paper checker to find the answer in your story.

  • Write your answer broadly. Don’t get hesitate to ask for new sheets. Use as much paper as you want. Don’t mix up two answers on the same page use one page for one answer so can write your answer effectively and it will be easy to check the answer for the paper checkers. An answer on one page gives a full picture of the answer. Make sure your answers are not split over 2 pages as this will give the impression that the answer is small.

  • Every point has some important words. Underline them and use them wisely whenever possible. It will make paper checkers work easier to find the answer. This is a psychological game that you play with the paper tester. Impress that you know the answer, by underlining the keywords you believe in. It can increase your marks from half number to a full number.

  • The basic logic that we always forget during writing exams is that we start with a difficult question. This is not good and students do this just to release the pressure of difficult questions and mistakenly do some mistakes which are not good, try the simplest question first, which one you think you are most confident about. When Paper Checker starts checking your paper you definitely want to start off with a good impression. That initial positive impression helps because the paper checker can give you half a mark extra in the latter half of your paper.

  • Don’t get distracted in the exam hall give all your focus on your answers sheet. Don’t focus on just writing, always keep in mind min that the answer you are writing should purely relate to the question.

  • Always keep your handmade notes with you so you can revise the important topics just before entering the exam hall. It will help you to get a rough revision of some important topics so you can retain the thing which you have learned before.

  • Your answer sheet should look excellent! You have to fight and struggle for each mark. Knowing the answer is good but it is not enough to get all the marks, presenting it well is also a trick to get higher marks in CA Final exams.

  • Always have a mindset that you will attempt all the questions in CA Final exams. With this positive mindset, you will be able to tackle all the hurdles which you will face in your exam.

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