Breakdown Of CA Foundation Accounting Chapter Wise Analysis

Accounting is a scoring subject. It won't help to just read it or mumble it, though. For the CA Foundation examinations, solving as many questions as you can is a must. It is recommended to resolve a few issues each day. If you don't have a background in business, make sure you properly understand the theory and have clear notions. Pay close attention to fundamental ideas such as debit and credit, journals, cash registers, etc.
The fact that it runs for all 100 points is the finest part. You won't have to worry about your overall % if you do well on this topic and make it your strongest subject. You can practice this topic every day. Additionally, if you are a commerce student, regular practice will help you achieve success in the 12th grade.
Theoretical Framework 5%-10%
- Meaning and Scope of Accounting: Understanding the purpose and importance of accounting is made easier by reading this chapter. It describes accounting's subfields, how accounting relates to other disciplines and its limits.
- Accounting Concepts, Principles, and Conventions: The concepts of entity, periodicity, matching, cost, dual aspect, materiality, money measurement, accrual, going concern, realization, conservatism, and fundamental accounting assumptions of going concerned, consistency, and accrual are introduced in this chapter.
- Accounting Terminology – Glossary: In this chapter, the fundamental accounting terminology is defined.
- Capital and Revenue Expenditures and Receipts: In this chapter, the criteria for identifying capital and revenue expenditure are explained along with its distinction.
- Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities: This chapter defines Contingent Assets, Contingent Liabilities, and Provisions and explains how they differ.
- Accounting Policies: The meaning of different accounting Policies is explained.
- Accounting as a Measurement Discipline – Valuation Principles, Accounting Estimates: This chapter discusses the meaning of measurement and its fundamental components, including historical cost, realizable value, and present value. It also discusses the distinction between measuring and valuation.
- Accounting Standards: This chapter explains the Significance, Objectives, Benefits, and Limitations of Accounting Standards.
- Indian Accounting Standards: This chapter covers the significance and need for the issuance of Indian Accounting Standards.
- Accounting Process 25%-30%
- Basic Accounting Procedures – Journal Entries: This chapter discusses the meaning and significance of the double entry system, Types of Accounts, Determination of Debits and Credits, and Recording Journal Entries.
- Ledgers: This chapter deals with Ledger Concept and Ledger Posting Technique.
- Trial Balance: The chapter talks about "Preparation of Trial Balance" and how important it is.
- Subsidiary Books: In this chapter, we'll go through how to record transactions in the "Purchase Book, Sales Book, Returns Inward Book, Returns Outward Book, Bills Receivable, and Bills Payable Book."
- Cash Book: This chapter covers "Kinds of Cash Book, Preparing Three Column Cash Book, Concept of Petty Cash Book."
- Correction of Errors: This chapter discusses the notion of a suspense novel, and types of errors, including one-sided and two-sided errors.
- Bank Reconciliation Statement: This chapter explains how to prepare a bank reconciliation statement and the distinction between a passbook and a cash book.
- The chapter on inventories discusses the "Meaning and Methods of Inventory Valuation, such as FIFO, LIFO, Specific Identification Method, weighted average Method, and Adjusted Selling Price Methods." Concept and Accounting of Depreciation: This chapter discusses the "Meaning and Nature of Depreciation, Methods of Depreciation, and its Advantages and Disadvantages."
- Accounting for Special Transactions 15%-20%
- The chapter "Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes: Accounting Treatments relating to Issue, Acceptance, Discounting, Maturity, and Endorsement of Bills," as well as "Accommodation Bills," "Special Cases of Insolvency," and "Early Retirement of Bills," is dedicated to accounting treatments related to these topics.
- Sale of Goods on an Approval or Return Basis: This chapter addresses the "Accounting Treatment of Sales on an Approval or Return Basis."
- Consignment: This chapter discusses the distinctions between the terms "sale" and "consignment," "accounting treatment for consignment transactions," and "different sorts of commissions.
- Average Due Date: This chapter covers topics such as the Calculation of average due dates, days of grace, and maturity period.
- Account Current: The chapter discusses Methods of Preparation of Account Current & its Calculations.
- Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors 30$-40%
- Final Accounts of Non-Manufacturing Entities: Final Accounts of Non-Manufacturing Entities: Final Accounts preparation of non-manufacturing entities including Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account, and Balance Sheet. Final Accounts of Manufacturing Entities: Final Accounts preparation of manufacturing entities including Manufacturing accounts, Profit and Loss Accounts, and Balance sheets.
- Partnership Accounts
- Profit & Loss Appropriation Account, Two Methods of Partner's Capital Account - Fixed and Fluctuating, Rectification of Errors, etc. is covered in the chapter along with provisions of "The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008".
- The chapter Treatment of Goodwill in Partnership Accounts" discusses "Accounting of Goodwill in Case of Change in Profit Sharing Ratio, Admission of Partner, Retirement or Death of Partner, When Business is Dissolved or Sold.
- Admission of a New Partner: This chapter covers the accounting treatment in the event of the admission of a new partner, including the Revaluation of Assets and Re calculation of Liabilities, Treatment of Reserves, and Calculation of New Profit-Sharing Ratio.
- Retirement of a Partner: Accounting treatment in the event of a partner's retirement, Computation of Gaining Ratio, Revaluation of Assets & Liabilities, and Joint Life Policy are a few of the themes addressed here.
- Death of Partner: This chapter covers The Joint Life Policy, accounting treatment in the event of a partner's death, and other related topics.
- "Preparation of Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance Sheet of Not-for-Profit Organizations" is how financial statements of not-for-profit organizations are prepared.
- 10%–15% of company accounts
- In this chapter, you will learn about Introduction to Company Accounts: Nature and Types of Companies, Salient Features of Company, and Purpose of Preparing Financial Statements of Company.
- Issue, Forfeiture, and Re-Issuance of Shares: This chapter covers the topics of Types of Shares and Share Capital, Accounting treatment in case of under-subscription, oversubscription, call-in-arrears, call-in-advance, forfeiture of shares, re-issue of shares, treatment of shares issued for consideration other than cash.
- Issue of Debentures: This chapter covers the topics of Types of Debentures, Accounting for Issue of Debentures, Writing Off Discounts on Debentures, and Interest on Debentures Calculation.