5 Effective Ca Exam Preparation Strategies

1. Learning brings out the art but revision brings out the artist

If you're dead serious about clearing your CA exams on your first attempt then revise, revise, revise. Yes, make sure to revise your syllabus three times with CA Exam Test Series. It is important to permanently store information in your brain so as to make an easy and quick recall of things during the exam. It's thus best to try and finish your entire syllabus thoroughly in one and a half months so that you have one full month remaining just for the revision.

2. Prepare your strong subjects for exemption

Now, this is a clever hack, so make sure you read this part carefully.  Prepare one subject from each group for exemption, this will help you cover your aggregate percent requirement. If you feel the theory is your strong point, then, prepare Law in the first group. In the Second Group, Subjects like Advanced Accounting & Financial Management are very scoring and could try for exemption in them.

3. Prepare your own revision module and stick to it

Once you're through with your subject you will be clear enough to decide which question takes how much of your time and which are the ones that can be solved just by a read. Keep this in mind as it will come in handy during your revision regime. Make sure to practice each question by writing during your first revision and simultaneously mark the ones that can be solved just by reading.

Your second revision need not focus on solving all Free Test series CA Final as you've already marked the ones that can be solved just by reading. This time, mark the questions that require extra attention. We're sure, you have decoded the pattern by now. Practice the trickiest one in your third revision as the rest you've already mastered by now.

4. Clear all your concepts

This is one rule that we have always been taught in schools - clear your concepts. This is is the rule of life and your accountancy. Whether it's Costing, FM, Accounting, Advance Accounting, Direct Tax, Indirect Tax, or any other subject; make sure to clarify all your concepts. Call that friend who is good with a particular subject and drill him till you get your concepts cleared. 

5. Do not mock the Free Test series CA Final

A lot of CA aspirants feel that the Test series CA Final are just a waste of actual time. No, that's where you're going wrong. Not only CA Final Test Series are an easy medium for revising your syllabus but they also give you a glimpse of your strong and weak points. You will understand the examiner's point of view, what they are looking for in the answer, and most importantly they help you get a handle on time management. Make a schedule to write one paper (preferably a past examination question) every Sunday.

Be patient and stick to your timetable. You can divide subjects into alternate days and most important do not get demotivated. Keep yourself positive and work harder than you did yesterday.

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