• Only Test Series Covered more than 60% similar Questions in ICAI Exam
  • 45-55% Case study based Questions
  • Detailed Evaluation By Chartered Accountants
  • All mocktests are designed by experts with latest pattern and difficult level of your exam

Plan for revision: When creating your own study schedule, the most crucial thing to remember is to allot enough time (perhaps 30 days) for thoroughly revising and solving icai mock test for the entire syllabus. Because your mind will always be aware of the time allotted for revision and icai mock test, you will always be able to finish your first go-through of the syllabus on time and still have enough time for revision and icai mock test. Try it out for yourself; it truly helps.

ABC Analysis: A CA student is the best person to grasp ABC Analysis. It's time to do the same in our academic work. Any concept can be effectively used in practise. Mark all the areas that need your attention because they are difficult, frequently asked in icai mock test, or just because you make mistakes with them regularly at the time of solving icai mock test or reading the first time! Start by labelling the questions or concepts with the letters A, B, and C. The ones marked A will be given priority, followed by B and C. You will undoubtedly make your study sessions and icai mock test easier in this method.

Charts: These are the items on the list that are strongly advised. It is commonly believed that diagrammatic representation improves concept retention and you can even check this while solving your icai mock test. This notion has been tried and tested. Don't pass up the chance to create the right charts, diagrams, etc., to simplify the concepts. I must emphasise that the Mentors at CA Exams Test Series employ such strategies to make sure your trip toward CA Intermediate is enjoyable and successful.

Short notes: Utilize the notes you have already taken while going over the whole curriculum. Therefore, it is now necessary for them to act as your revision's saviour. Yes, taking brief notes has always been beneficial. Students at CA Exams Test Series are always encouraged to take quick notes on crucial subjects to make their revision schedule and icai online mock test easier. Our icai online mock test for CA Intermediate are very outstanding; they will guide you toward conceptual clarity and exam success through the icai online mock test.

Important queries: Again, the queries we underlined in ABC Analysis will be beneficial. So once more, be sure to master your revision and icai online mock test sessions and answer all the crucial questions.

Solving MCQs: We are all aware that some papers for all levels of Chartered Accountancy have MCQs that can help you score well, so we'll use these questions to our advantage when taking the icai online mock test. In order to make the most of our revision and icai mock test 2024 time, we must complete a sufficient number of MCQs while reviewing the syllabus from  icai mock test 2024. Try a variety of  icai mock test 2024 for this, and your problem will be solved.

The most crucial step is to complete the ICAI's material  icai mock test series as this will show you the kind of questions that will be asked and whether you can answer them correctly. Do not mix this with Test Series because it is separate from showing up  icai mock test series.

First, become familiar with each subject's exam format and the weighting of the subjective and objective types of marks (MCQs). The weighted MCQ score for papers like law, audit, direct tax, and indirect tax in the final examination is 30%. So practice enough icai mock test series before the exams.

You should plan your study and icai mock test 2024 sessions so that you can earn an exemption in at least one subject. Everyone has a strong or weak area of expertise. To retain the aggregate even if you receive passing grades in your weak subject, try to prepare your strong subject for exemption using icai online mock test. Even if you were to fail your examinations, an exemption could still help you pass on your subsequent tries.

Always prioritise covering important material first when studying for tests in each subject. This will help you at a time when, you have a handle on crucial subjects from which there is the greatest likelihood that you will receive a question in an exam or in the icai online mock test. This raises the likelihood of passing the exams and doing well. You might consult icai online mock test or ask your teacher for a list of crucial subjects since they have a lot of knowledge in this area.

Learning significant section numbers, such as SA Name and Numbers, AS or IND Name and Numbers, and using them in exams are equally crucial. However, do not write the incorrect number or name if you are unable to recollect the correct one. ICAI specifically anticipates this from final students. This is something you can practice on your icai online mock test 2024